Evening – Day 1

And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying, “Who is this?” Matthew 21:10

 I have close friends who are going through the most trying season of their life. Because we live some distance apart, I check daily on Facebook for the frequent updates on their present battle. You see, my friend has cancer. He is at the stage in his fight where there is not much that can be done. In the last number of years it has seemed that he has spent as much time in the hospital as he has at home. He should have many years ahead but now each day is a gift. Daily his wife posts her struggles and her joys. She shares her faith and her deep love for her husband. She posts pictures of him and her son smiling from the hospital bed. Friends post about how their example of faith and love encourage them.

 Jesus enters Jerusalem and there is a great stirring amongst all the people gathered in the city. As they go about their ordinary lives facing the normal stuff of their daily routines, the presence of someone has caused them to stop and take notice. And they are all asking the same question…..Who is this?

In every moment and every challenge of our life I find three things.

 First we are presented with the reality of the world. We are always acutely aware of the impact of the world. We feel it in every emotion it incites and every thought that pounds at our mind. We are tempted by every image we see and word we hear. The reality of this world is never silent, constantly reminding us of every thing that challenges us.

Secondly we are presented the opportunity to experience the reality of God’s presence. In every moment of this world, no matter what it presents to us, not matter the challenge, with every circumstance, in that same moment we have the opportunity to receive the reality of God’s presence.

Thirdly we are always presented with the question, “Who is this?” The question is always there and whether you realize it or no, you will always answer it. And how you answer this question will determine how the reality of God’s presence will impact the reality of your world.

 You see, while the people of Jerusalem are wandering around debating this question about who Jesus is, my friend and his family have answered this question and it is evidenced in every word, every though, every moment they have. They have answered this question and the result is a life being lived fully in God’s presence.

 The reality of God’s presence transcends the reality of this world.

When you are sick, the opportunity and the question is there. The reality of those circumstances many be bleak. How you answer who He is will determine how you face your circumstances. Is He healer? Is He joy? Is He peace? Is He ever-present? No matter what you face right now, take a moment and see. Your problem may be screaming louder than anything, but stop and listen. The reality of Jesus is present. The question is there. Who is He to you? Your answer could change everything.

Remember to check back each day morning and evening during Lent.

40 days of lent