I am currently reading a book called “I’m OK – You’re Not: The Message We’re Sending Nonbelievers and Why We Should Stop“, which I’ll write about after I’ve finished it. However, I would like to pose a question that it has raised and see what you think. Here it goes. What is more important, to love people or get them saved? Does the great commandment trump the great commission? Should we pay more attention to the Great Commission than the Great Commandment? (Matthew 22:37-39; Mark 12:33; Matthew 28:18-20) OK, that’s maybe 3 questions or the same 3 ways. So, what do you think? Please Comment.
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I’ll be interested to hear what you have to say after you’ve read it. And I would be interested in reading it too. But I think you’ll direct more people TO Jesus and salvation by loving them and not whacking them over the head with your Bible. Isn’t that what Jesus did? ;-)
Love you!
The greatest gift we can receive is Love,so by giving Love if we give it long enough, it is like contagious, What you give is what you receive. So hang in their, show your Love in everything you do,and everywhere you go. We might not agree with what everyone is doinging,but when you show Love it opens up some interesting conversations,its then that Jesus shines and his word can come forth.
I think we should look at how the disciples answered these questions. How did they live it after they recieved the commission and command?
Love ya!
How can we possibly separate the two? I’ll say this first. If they must be two separate acts, I’ll take love over salvation any day. But I think they’re the same. One can’t have faith without love. Faith grows and thrives in an atmosphere of love. Love someone and you’re extending faith to them. I know that the ultimate goal and result of Jesus’ coming to earth was salvation, but wasn’t it really to restore the ability to love? “God so Loved the world…” We have been reconciled to the father thru Jesus’ act of love. God is love and he that loveth is born of God and he that loveth not knoweth not God. I’ll take love any day. Seems to me that if God is love, and I extend love to someone, I am extending Christ to them and the day and time will come that they will recognize the love they have accepted as Christ and make a volitional choice to follow him completely. I know that for the last 4 1/2 years that I have been out of “full time ministry” I have ministered to more people by just loving them. And I’ll tell you this, as a church we have screwed up the message of Christ drastically and the world is responding to love because they’ve never received if from us. John, when you get a chance, go to myspace page and look at the first blog I posted titled “am I a christian” would love to get some feedback from you. It’s old but reflects the changes I’ve been thru the last few years.
GREAT book! It’s opened my eyes completely to the way I see people. We really enjoyed having y’all in San Antonio. Hurry back!
I think the book is full of both good and mistimed and forced humor.
To share the gospel with someone is not to match wits with them. It must be done with love and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We cannot “save” anyone, that must be done through the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ. Think of yourself as one poor beggar telling another poor beggar where to find bread.
There are many ways to present the gospel of salvation. All include prayer and love. The word, good word, needs to be told. Some of the best soul winners are those who were recently saved; they are sharing out of love the God who saved them through Christ Jesus. Grace and forgiveness are awesome things. “And the greatest is love”
John’s book leaves the sharing of the gospel to others or to chance. That is not what we are mandated to do. We are to share the gospel not bury it.
The book rings of heresy and appears to be written by someone who doesn’t know God or the scriptures very well.