John Hobbs

About John Hobbs

John is a sought after speaker and founder of Transforming Life Ministries. He’s also a writer, teacher and equipper bringing an honest and practical voice to today’s and tomorrow’s church. He has a passion for people and helping them encounter the transforming life of Jesus. John and his wife Amy, presently reside in Wilmington, North Carolina with their three children, who he thanks for their four cats and a rabbit. They also have a foreign exchange daughter Jenny, from Germany. Transforming Life Ministries is presently working to build a Camp and Retreat Center, called The Fountain in Fountain, NC.

Surrendered and Untamed: Sneak-peek

I received an invitation from Baker Books to write a Book Review for "Surrendered and Untamed" a new book by Jason Clark. Jason and I graduated together from Elim Bible Institute.  So I was more than excited to read his book and write a review for him.  I wanted to let everyone who reads my blog know and give them a sneak-peek into this awesome book.  I will be keeping you updated on my experience [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:24-05:00March 7th, 2011|Books, TLM Blog|Comments Off on Surrendered and Untamed: Sneak-peek

Moolala – Get Great Deals and Cash for You!

Moolala - Get Great Deals and Make Money!   Moolala is the newest daily deals site where you get great deals and they have an amazing reward program where you can earn some extra money! The concept is genius and simple ~ it's free to subscribe and buy things that you want or need at a discount online or in your local area. When you invite your friends to subscribe, you earn a percentage on [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:24-05:00January 24th, 2011|Culture, Finances, TLM Blog|Comments Off on Moolala – Get Great Deals and Cash for You!

1st Amendment and hypnosis…

When I snap my fingers you will wake up and believe everything I've said to you... When I was in elementary school I remember the excitement and profound sense of pride I had to be an American.  I loved learning about the branches and offices of Government and the incredible history of our nation.  There was a great feeling of patriotism as I put my hand over my heart, faced the nation’s flag and said [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:24-05:00October 20th, 2010|Culture, Current Events, Politics, TLM Blog|1 Comment

Mercy me…

I can remember when I was a kid; a hot summer day with a couple of friends doing the stuff the boys do.  In the backyard on a carpet of green grass which now had become our Colosseum.  Gladiators clad with armour - dirty Chuck Taylors, jeans and t-shirts standing our ground, arms outstretched, crouched and ready, waiting for the signal. Someone yell - Ready, Set, GO...... With grunts, groans and the boasting of our adolescent strength, we [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:24-05:00October 12th, 2010|Love, Relationships, Spirituality, TLM Blog|2 Comments
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