John Hobbs

About John Hobbs

John is a sought after speaker and founder of Transforming Life Ministries. He’s also a writer, teacher and equipper bringing an honest and practical voice to today’s and tomorrow’s church. He has a passion for people and helping them encounter the transforming life of Jesus. John and his wife Amy, presently reside in Wilmington, North Carolina with their three children, who he thanks for their four cats and a rabbit. They also have a foreign exchange daughter Jenny, from Germany. Transforming Life Ministries is presently working to build a Camp and Retreat Center, called The Fountain in Fountain, NC.

Love + Incarnational = Transformation

I stopped by my Grand Mother's house today to pick up some flowers she wanted us to have.  Granny Hobbs is 91 now and for as long as I can remember she has given everything away.  My daughter asked me, "Why is she giving us that stuff?" Well she also included a case of Yoohoo, Sunny D and cookies.  I told my daughter, "Granny Hobbs came into this world with nothing and she will leave with nothing", [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:51-05:00May 18th, 2010|Holy Spirit, Love, Mission, Relationships, Spirituality, TLM Blog|Comments Off on Love + Incarnational = Transformation

Grace and Freedom in Christ…

For those of you who are a part of The Dwelling Place, here is a great short message by Francis Chan on Freedom in Christ and Grace. [youtube=] Francis Chan: "Grace, Grace, Grace"  (This and other massages at

By |2017-03-20T08:35:51-05:00April 26th, 2010|Discipleship, Holy Spirit, Love, Spirituality, TLM Blog|Comments Off on Grace and Freedom in Christ…


I realize I have been MIA from my blog. I am sorry for the lack of content lately, but I have been knee-deep in other things. I promise I'll be posting soon. In the meantime here's a short list of things I've been up to, so pray for me: Building a website for my Dad's ministry. Posting at Negotiating on the purchase of a Camp and Retreat Center in Black Mountain, NC. [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:51-05:00April 23rd, 2010|Family, TLM Blog|1 Comment

The effects of revelation…

I was reflecting this morning on the effects of revelation on one's life.  Paul speaks several places in scripture about the revelation of Christ and His gospel and  their impact upon his life.  This revelation had a death and life effect on Paul.  This revelation is a mystery revealed and cannot be understood by someone who has not experienced it.  No one can teach it to you.  It is  "... the mystery which has been [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:52-05:00March 4th, 2010|Discipleship, Spirituality, TLM Blog|Comments Off on The effects of revelation…
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