
Simple Church: Global & Generational Movement

After the last post concerning the House Church Movement in China, I ran across this article at World Mission Impact: "200 Christian leaders from 40 nations met in New Delhi, India, Nov 11-14th, 2009, to explore the scope and significance of house-based discipling communities and emerging house church movements worldwide. Known best from the history of the underground house churches in China that report by now an estimated 100 million members, a similar phenomenon has [...]

Simple Church: House Church in China

As I sit here in a little coffee shop in Wilmington, NC and reflecting on the last details to finish today for the Christmas Gathering of our House Church tomorrow evening, I am struck with a humbled sense of gratitude.  In all the business and planning we do for our churches in the West, we can lose sight or maybe never see the essence of what church really is.  We can so easily take the Church [...]

The measure of success…

I just love the awkwardness of conversation.  You know it when you encounter it.  The proverbial "How's the weather" conversation; the superficial stuff.  We do this when we don't know someone, don't know what to talk about or what questions we should really ask. These kind of conversations are interesting among christians, especially leaders.  This is why pastors, church planters, leaders and those observing them ask superficial questions about success.  How many people do you [...]

By |2010-09-21T22:12:35-05:00September 27th, 2009|Church, Church Planting, Leadership, Mission, TLM Blog|1 Comment

He who has an ear, let him hear…

Oh the beauty of diversity.  How different we are in every way, including our ability to communicate.  If you haven't learned by now then you either don't realize that people misunderstand what you've tried to say or you don't care if you are misunderstood.   But, if we value relationship with the ones we are trying to communicate with then we will take the time to learn.  To assume you are heard simply because you think you [...]

By |2017-03-20T08:35:54-05:00August 7th, 2009|Discipleship, Leadership, Relationships, TLM Blog|1 Comment
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