My wife thought I had logged off my blog when she wrote “A Day At The Polls.” She inadvertently posted this on mine. However, you should go read Amy’s blog. I thought somthing was strange when I checked my comments and didn’t understand what people were talking about.
I find it interesting reading other people’s blogs to find self-disclaimers notifying readers to not hold their churches, organizations or associations responsible for their blog content. So I thought I would make my own disclaimer.
I am not responsible for anything my wife says on her blog or in person. She is solely responsible. I would additionally like to say she is entirely responsible for anything I say or do, so any complaints therein should be directed to her. Thank you.
Ok!Ok! Then that means that your wife is responsible for anything I say too? Or is that my wife?
God is so good!
Love to all, Doug & Nancy
I did totally laugh out loud at this one! You are too funny.
Love you! And your wife.