You may remember the old Michael W. Smith song “Friends are friends forever.”
It would be nice if the title were true. But maybe it is. Real friends are friends forever. And maybe those that are not forever are not friends.
My wife’s 20th High School Reunion began last night. We had an awesome time out on the beach with old classmates til 2 am. She was 1 of 15 in a small graduating class at a christian school. Only half showed up and they all live within 1.5 hours of each other. Most have not really seen each other in 20 years. My wife has kept in contact with some over the years; with others its been difficult.
For those who showed up, we had a blast, picking up where we left off 20 years ago.
Listening to what has been going on over the years in their lives and what our family has been walking through, I am reminded of how important our friends are and how we need friends. Our journey is not one meant to be traveled alone. Its more fun with company. Most things are better when shared. Try laughing alone – not he same.
Its easy to drift away. Friendships have to be intentional. They take effort -work.
We have some friend right now that we could not do without. Crisis has a way of revealing who your close and genuine friends are. The song goes on “if the Lord’s the Lord of them.” When the dust settles those are the ones that are still around.
How intentional are you at building friendships?
What do your friendships center around?
Are you the kind of friend who sticks around when things get tough?
Is the Lord the Lord of your friendships?
I thank God for my true friends. You know who you are!
Is Jesus at the top of the list of our friends? If not, it’s back to step one. Bryan
Maintaining friendships is definitely work…but the reward is well worth it. Glad y’all had fun. Would have loved to have been there myself. Love you.