Phelps Apologizes for Marijuana Pipe

I have hear it said “Your gifts or talent won’t take you where your character won’t support you.”

In the world we have a tendency to worship the gifts and talent of people like Michael Phelps.  Then we are greatly disappointed when they fail us.  Well, actually we do it in the church too.  We spiritualize it and call it anointing ; giving credit to man what is only due to the Holy Spirit.  How quick we give celebrity status to someone and how quickly it can fall out from under them.

Character has a way of always rising to the surface, good or bad.  We should spend more time on character development and not so dependent on our giftedness.  These two have to be developed side by side if we want to weather the journey.   You may not have your bad character displayed on the NY Time and it may not cost you millions in endorsements or admiring fans but it just might cost you something more precious than can be measured by dollars and cents.

It’s what only God sees that defines your true character.  The stuff that rises to the surface or public begins in the heart.  But the world will judge what they see.  The Bible tells us to guard the heart for it is the wellspring of life.

A few thoughts…

  1. Don’t worship people’s gifts… they may not survive it.
  2. Don’t spiritualize gift worship.
  3. Be gracious and forgiving… your hidden character could surface too.
  4. Allow God to develop your character… before you have to issue an apology.
  5. Submit to leaders who are more mature than you.  Follow them as they follow Christ.
  6. Remember, God promotes based on character… the world promotes based on giftedness.

Have you ever has a character flaw exposed?

How were you treated by others?