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Men’s Retreat in Milford, Delaware

We continue to be blessed by the love and support for Transforming Life Ministries and excited about all of you who have expressed your support for our vision of a camp and retreat center. Most of you have probably been impacted by camp and retreat ministry through your local churches and you know the value of getting away with God to encounter Him.

This is the mission of Transforming Life, to always present the opportunity and an environment to encounter the love of the Father, the life of the Son Jesus and the liberty of the Holy Spirit. With encounters through faith comes transformation.

This is our dream for The Fountain Camp and Retreat Center, to build a place to come away with God, to encounter Him and be transformed by Him.

Our efforts to raise the capital needed is slow but God always knows what He’s doing. Our job is to continue to share Jesus, and share the vision and give you an opportunity to invest. So, let me encourage you to catch the vision and help The Fountain by making your investment in its future. We would also like for you to consider taking Transforming Life on as a mission by giving monthly over the next year. We are donor supported. Most of the ministry we do is free or only covers travel, so your support is important to us.

Thank you for your love and